Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's Been One Week Since You Looked At Me

Hey Gang-

So, if you were fortunate enough to be in the 11 a.m. service today, you know that you got a surprise visit from...YOUR INDIA 2010 TEAM...courtesy of Skype.  Isn't technology wonderful (except when it will eventually become smarter than us and take over the world)?  We are now at the halfway point - one week down, one more week to go.  Today was a beautiful day of worship.  And God's provision was all around us.  First, while technology is indeed wonderful, the ladies have not yet mastered the skills necessary to work an alarm clock.  Our "call time" (time that is set for the team to get together first thing for devotions) was 8:15.  Due to "faulty alarm clocks" (wink wink) the ladies didn't rouse from their slumber until 8 a.m. (men, on the other hand, up at 6:30) - however, David told us that due to some unforeseen circumstances, our departure time was pushed back an hour - score one for God.

I know that I tend towards the dramatic/embellishments, but I'm not sure how to more clearly communicate he fact that nothing in India...and I mean, NOTHING...goes according to plan.  But the spontaneity and the skill of flexibility have produced some of the most meaningful times on our trip.  As I've noted previously, Sandra has been feeling pretty ill.  We felt that seeing a doctor might be a good idea, but we didn't want to wait until the afternoon to have her see a doctor.  So, with 5 minutes to go before departure, David takes Sandra to the doctor a few blocks away.  It is amazing how God works this out.  First, to His glory, Sandra is feeling much better and has been able to participate in the events again - thank you for your prayers for her healing.  Then, as we all sat around basically missing our worship service, the remaining team members broke out into a spontaneous time of worship that lasted the entire time we were waiting - it was beautiful and holy and just what the team needed.

David and Sandra returned and we were all able to head out to the worship service in a village church.  We arrived towards the end and were able to lead the church in some songs, skits, prayer and scripture.  While we missed participating in the full time of worship, it was a blessing from God that all of it worked out the way it did.  It was extraordinarily hot in the church and a few team members had some moments that caused concern in terms of really feeling pretty ill.  So, while we were able to participate, we also made it through together and were able to experience our own time of worship.  God is so good.

In our sharing time tonight, we all recounted what we witnessed at that church.  First, the church had no A/C. Now, I know Faith was without A/C for one Sunday.  Now, imagine being without A/C in India.  In the middle of the day.  In June.  Every. Single. Week.  And here's the kicker...we got there for the last hour and almost had some heat strokes (no exaggeration) - yet these believers had been there for 3.5 hours worshiping in that church BEFORE we ever showed up.  And they sang and danced and praised as if they were just getting started.  It was so beautiful and humbling.  Seeing these things have really given a new perspective to some of the way we "do Church".  This has been a very eye-opening trip - not just to what God is doing on mission in India, but what God is doing in the lives of His Church through the Holy Spirit in India.  Our lives are being changed whether we like it or not.  But, we like it.  It's incredible.

Our night ended at a vegetarian restaurant - that's right, vegetarian, as in...not even chicken. was absolutely amazing food and hands down the COLDEST building in Chennai currently open for business.  It was like a meat locker, which is ironic considering the fact that it was vegetarian - but man, did it feel amazing.  AMAZING.  And then, to close out, we got to spend a few minutes Skyping with our church family.  What a blessing it was to share with you guys for a few minutes and touch base with you.  We know you love us - we love you guys so much and can't wait to be back with you.

Tomorrow, we have an early day again - heading out by 8 a.m. to go do a school program for an English speaking school and then we will be participating in the evening in one of the four New Church Dedications we will be involved in this week - we are so excited about this.  Please keep us in your prayers for:
 1.  The arrival of the 11 cases of water (this may sound trivial, but we are completely out of bottled water and today's delivery has not shown up yet - this is a huge request and we covet your prayers on this)
  2.  Opportunities for Evangelistic conversations
  3.  Help processing all of the lessons we're learning and how we can bring home all that we are learning and seeing and applying it to our lives
  4.  Health for the team - more and more of the team members are having some health issues - nothing serious, but the heat is really starting to take its toll.

Thank you guys, again, so much for your encouragement as we journey together through this.  But,  I would just like to clarify, for those who attended the 11 a.m. worship...Pops said that I called him at 7 a.m. to talk about Skype and that I did not wish him a Happy Father's Day.  For the record, I called him on the 20th - OUR CHENNAI 20th to wish him a Happy Father's Day and I told him I loved him in front of the whole team.  It was sick.  So, I did indeed wish him a Happy Father's Day.  However, I'm taking it back for throwing me under the bus like that.

Love you guys,


1 comment:

  1. The live feed via Skype this morning (our morning) was great, everyone loved it! Keep the good news coming - look forward to the "Team India Blog" every day. Love you guys - stay healthy - always in prayer :)
